Monday, August 26, 2013

AFFORDABLE SEO Service is available!!

Many Different packages to choose from

BWCWeb will get your site listed on the first page of Google search results!!

It doesn't have to cost a fortune to get great results with professional service.

seo services

AFFORDABLE Websites with Professional Services!

Thank you for visiting BWCWeb, the premier web company for ALL of your business needs. BWCWeb has been in business since 1999 and has the expertise to get your company on the web with custom, professional search engine friendly web designs. 

Hi, my name is Brandon Christy and I am the owner of BWCWeb. My company has been in business for over 15 years. I have always had a fascination with technology and programing; since my first days starting a BBS system with CompuServer, to creating my first program on my ADAM computer. I have thoroughly enjoyed growing up in this technology fueled world. 

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Rowan University and an Associate’s degree in Small Business. After college, I worked for a large internet-based company which helped me learn the importance of the customer’s needs and how to receive optimum results from the internet to boost businesses. My business degree, newly acquired experience and extreme passion for technology ignited my desire to own my own web design company. I still have the same amount of enthusiasm as I did 15 years ago making my customers website dreams become a reality. 

We offer a variety of services to my customers and take immense pride in the exceptional service we provide. I make myself readily available to my clients and believe their happiness is extraordinarily important.

web design